Right now, Fish are where you find them, Conditions / Currents Fluctuate
It seems, again, that he moment I finished my last report, everything changed, again. If you´re looking for Yellowfin Tuna this week, well you may be bald headed by now from the pure frustration of changing conditions, water temperatures and sea conditions in general. The frustrating thing is you know the fish are out there, you see them jumping and they’re in fish heaven. It all comes down to luck, skill and a well equipped boat.
I know you’ve heard me say a thousand times a cheap boat can be the most expensive thing you spend your vacation dollar on when you come back empty handed and others have full fish boxes. You saved money at the expense of catching that finned fantasy. Again, this week the boat with kites, a spectrum of lure colors and sizes, and fast boats that burn fuel was the secret. At El Banco, making bait has been good and bad. Some days good, other days bad. So making bait when you can is very important right now. If you know there are fish where you’re heading out to and you can’t make bait, that is frustration factor No. 1. Those forced to use lures had fair luck. Petrileros, lures with purple or Green this week was working well. Google Eyes are a staple for bait and they were working most of the time. But those who could get Chorras or small Bonito were getting strikes. Using Kites this week were working on more than YellowfinTuna. Sailfish and Marlin were striking these suspended baits. But the inside scoop here is not the fish, but what they’ve been eating.
With the Whales returning to the area, they come here for the small bait in the water. Small guppies like fish, krill shrimp, and small fish in general, these are what whales eat and filter through their grill in their mouth called baleen. The problem is that Yellowfin will feed, Dorado also, on these baits until they can’t eat any more, then eat more! So like my friend J.J. Says, Elephants eat peanuts also. So running a planer with some hoochies or squid baits have a shot at getting you a Yellowfin in the 60 lb range at El Banco, maybe even a dorado. Those shooting for larger fish like Marlin and Sailfish, even Yellowfin will want to use larger baits and be prepared with lots of lures with plenty of color! But alas, this week At El Banco was work at best. Worth the time and effort if you arrive for the early or late bites. Otherwise other places like Corbeteña would be a better option.
Speaking of Corbeteña or the ¨Rock¨ has been very active this week. With all the current and water temperature changes Corbeteña is you most flexible destination. Sailfish, Dorado, Yellowfin Tuna, Marlin of all types, Snapper (Cubera or Pargo in Spanish) are just a few that you can almost always depend on here. Although not all of these normally happen at the same time. With Good eating Rainbow runners, green and blue runners, Amber Jacks and a host of others, you will almost always come back with something for the dinner table! So don’t let that Captain tell you they taste bad, when they’re wonderful! There have even been some Wahoo caught off the south end of the rock trolling lures off the rock finger that extends under water there. This area is always worth the money. If you hit el Banco and nothing is happening, take your time trolling to Corbeteña, lots of hot spots between the two locations that produce tournament winning fish, but get ignored by in the box thinking captains. You don´t have to be on automatic amigos… break the pattern!
The Marietta Islands, like always is a great place for the angler short on vacation budget. If you´re on the south side of El Morro, you can always depend on catching something. With the currents and they up well there, there is always plenty of food to attract fish. Rooster fish especially love this area, so don´t forget about it and only hit the Marietta islands! The whole area this past week has been producing Sailfish to 120 inches, Dorado in the 25 lb range, even a few Striped Marlin a mile or so off the rocks towards the north. Jack Crevalls, Amber Jacks and a host of other fish call this area home and like to just ¨Hang out¨ ….
North of Punta Mita is still a great place and if you´re fourteen miles off the point at a setting of 310, you’re in the recent hot spot. Not far from El Banco, but closer to shore, you´ll find perfect conditions exist for Sailfish, Blue and Striped Marlin, Mahi if you find a log or some floating piece of something they can hang around. Still need at least ten hours, but it’s an option and we all need those!
Inside the bay, things are a little better with Dorado all over the southern end of the bay around Los Arcos to Cabo Correntes point. In fact Cabo Corrientes has had some great action if you´re lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. But with the bite that way it has been, I could say that about all the fishing grounds this week. So keep your ears to the wind and call me for the most recent developments when it comes to conditions and catches.
Until Next week, don´t for get to kiss your fish.
I have finally gotten my web page up to sell T-shirts to you in the United States and not have to charge you an arm or leg to get them. They are priced to sell at $19.99 (Cheaper than in PV). Go to: www.MasterBaitersGear.com and you’ll see the one or possibly two styles of shirts we’re starting with. We will be adding more and more items as we see what kind of response we get. The icon is not up quite yet on the web site, webmasters….. My Blog: www.masterbaiters.wordpress.com Facebook: www.facebook/masterbaiterstan.com and look for me on Twitter as: MasterBaiters …..
Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle ™ is a registered trade mark and is protected under Mexican and international law. Unlawful use of this trade mark will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law in the applicable country We have World Famous T-shirts, Hats and other souvenirs items to choose from. We’re recommended in Fodor’s Travel guide, Trip Advisor and others for Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta. For T Tours and plain information Phone from Canada / USA: 011 52 322 209 11 28.. In P.V.: (322) 209 11 28