+52 322 209 1128

Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

Rainy Season in Full Swing, Black Marlin Sightings, Yellowfin Still at Corbeteña, Fishing is Great!

Written by Stan Gabruk

We are in full summer mode now as we have rain in most evenings as is normal for this time of the year. Recently I have had people worried about the weather as they look at the forecast for Puerto Vallarta. One thing to remember is the weather forecast unless there is a Hurricane moving in, essentially the same for the next five months. Which is a 20 to 60% chance of rain with temperatures right now in the days around 88 degrees with 60% or so humidity. There is your forecast for the next five or six months amigos.  When it comes to fishing, the forecast will also remain pretty much the same as well with Yellowfin Tuna still in the 150 lb range at the deep water locations, Black Marlin are moving in, many sightings but nobody with one on the boat as yet. I suspect this is the streak of a week I´ve been discussing for the last few weeks looking for these Billfish fantasies to show up and it looks like they finally have. As we move deeper and deeper into summer we´ll see warmer weather, warmer water temperatures and more world class gamefish amigos. Fishings High Season is coming on nicely now and we´re all good with that! While fishing in the rain is a possibility, you need to understand that when it rains, it brings the fish up to the agua dulce or sweet water in English. Many a customer said the fishing exploded when t he rain started and this is more often than not the case. So don´t let the bogus weather report online make you think the weather is bad, the report is bad and computer generated. We won´t let you get yourself in trouble amigo, that is why we are here!

Nice Yellowfin at Corbeteña, deserted fishing grounds means a special chance to have it all to yourself!

As you can imagine the rains, bring the trash line in the bay and all the stuff that washes down the local hills into the streams and rivers. So what you´ve been seeing is the dirty water that lines the shores and a few blocks out there is clean water. Not great for swimming in the ocean, for me it´s not an issue, but for fishing from shore it could present a bit of a challenge to those surf fishing guys. Welcome to summer, you can deal with it, we´re fisherman and we´ll find a way! At the trash line you´ll find small Dorado, Skip Jack Tuna, Bonito, Small Snappers, and any other species looking for fast food and a place to hide (in the dirty side when something wants to eat you as a fish). Over by Yelapa there have been some 30 lb Skip jack Tuna and there are some smaller Dorado in the 25 lb range with some luck. The bait has moved out a little farther in the bay so we´re not really seeing any Sailfish in the bay like last week. But that was not usual so it was a short lived luxury that has moved on.

Punta Mita and the Marietta islands have been blessed with clean and blue water. This means Sailfish are hanging in the area and are on some days a little fickle. Bait can be found in large bait balls surfacing at any second creating a feeding frenzy for whatever species happen to be lucky enough to be in the area. Same Story at Punta Mita, Dorado off the structure and buoys, Sailfish farther out with the chance of Striped or maybe even a Black marlin heading out about 15 miles.

The Marietta Islands are still alive with action as well, Rooster fish are thinning out for some reason, but there are plenty of Snappers (red and Conoco`s) to be had readily. Sailfish are a touch off the reefs and abundant. Skip jack Tuna, Bonito, Needle fish are turning up and nice sized. Amber Jacks have been boated and of course there are small Dorado here as well. Just a reminder, throw the females back and don´t let the crews talk you into keeping the females. If you want fish in the future, think conservation today amigos, this is very important.

Red Snappers at the Marietta Islands

El Banco is alive with Sailfish, Dorado in the 35 to 45 lb range, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna to 150 lbs but could only be in the 60 lb range. Black Marlin sightings, nothing on the docks as yet. Water temperatures are still favorable for Wahoo so if you have any rigs with wire leader it would be worth a try.  If you don´t find Yellowfin in the area, venture out about five to ten miles and you will find the birds and the bait amigo. We´re into Tuna Season and they´re out there now for the taking. The only question is where are you??

El Banco is a carbon copy of Corbeteña, but there have been more Black Marlin Sightings. It´s still a little early in the year for black and Blue Marlin, but they are in the area. Why they are not taking baits for now is a mystery. But I suspect it has something to do with breeding season. But there is a ton of bait out there, either Google Eyes or Bullets (baby Bonito and Skp jack Tuna) which is a good thing for us. Amber Jacks, Rainbow runners, Cubera Snappers and whatever else decides to visit this fishing hot spot.

Dorado are larger At El Banco with Magnifico!

Straight up, the North American press is making the North Americans afraid to come to Mexico. Now I can sit here and tell the world the news stories coming out of Mexico are being exaggerated and exploited, but the damage is now done. Now you can play this to your advantage if you can think for yourself and get it from the locals, not a group of govt. types with an agenda. Hotel rooms are as cheap as I have ever seen them. Airfares are very low for a prime vacation season to PV and the fishing is great. If you zig when the others are in zag mode you can practically have Puerto Vallarta to yourself with uncrowded fishing grounds, restaurants, shops and more. You can have PV like it was before the rush and the higher prices. I have lived here in PV for so long now many consider me a ¨icon¨ in Marina Vallarta. Now I would not exactly say that, but I have been here long enough to know this is a rare opportunity for those who are not drinking the juice amigos. Other than tourism being down, to be honest, I like having my favorite spots that are still open to me. I like being the only boat on the High Spots at El Banco or Corbeteña. These are the ¨good old days¨ amigos. Now get out there and do some fishing, the boats need the business…

Master Baiter´s is making deals, come into my new location in Puesta Del Sol off the boardwalk in front of dock d and say hello! I am making deals you will never see again to get my captains and crews out. The boats need to move and to do this we´ll make sure you have a great day on the water with a nice sized discount! Remember if you ask where Master Baiter´s is, you will hear I am dead, out of business or they don´t know where I am. Trust me, they know and they will not direct you to me since they want your business. A liar is a liar is a liar and if they´ll lie to you on this level, well they´ll lie you on any level. Be smart, don´t get taken. And as always, think of m e as your man in PV! Ask what you have on y our mind and I will answer it to the best of my ability!

Until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish….

Master Baiter´s has changed its location to a larger shop located directly in front of Dock D in the shops behind the grassy area in the Puesta Del Sol complex half way between the Oxxo and Las Palomas Restaurant. Map of location in Marina Vallarta: https://masterbaiters.com.mxlocation/   Come in and get your PV Mirror there and say hello to Stan. Please tell your friends where they can find the Mirror and of course Master Baiter´s.

You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325  looking forward to meeting you online.  Reports, Fish Pic of The Day, Local information, Tournament information  and all that good stuff that keeps you informed and not wasting your time or money on B.S., if  you know what I mean. Also Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.

Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle is located in Marina Vallarta on the Boardwalk in front of Dock D. Facing the water turn to your right and we´re down four doors or so from Las Palomas the Restaurant. Come by and say hello!  Remember, at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around! If you have any questions on any subject regarding fishing or Puerto Vallarta, feel free to ask at my email: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx Web page:  www.MasterBaiters.com.mx

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.