Thurday, June 17th, we had our first thunder and lightening storm last night and it officially rings in Summer and the Rainy Season. But fear not anglers, this is what we are looking for and the fishing will only get better from here out….
Magnifico went out this morning looking for Yellowfin in excell of 100 lbs. Heading to El Banco and farther we will see if the rain last night helped with conditions!
Marlin are setting up house finally off Punta Mita, ten to fifteen miles out from the point… Plenty of bair in the water, but it never hurts to make bait when you can. Sailfish are also moving in to all the areas, but this area has a high concentration of fish at the moment….
Speaking of Sailfish for some reason they are in the bay, in the Nuevo Vallarta area, so a short day can have a billfish payoff….
Dorado and Marlin are at El Banco as well…
Corbeteña has signs of life with spinner dolphin which means football Yellowfin tuna. Finally there is some action at the rock. For this area to be without fish for so long is highly unusual… but it looks like we’ll be paying closer attention to this area from here on out….
Roosters are still taking baits in the Marietta Islands …. Weather temperatures have warmed up and the water temps are fluctuating betwen cool and perfect. Look f or the birds and you’ll know where you need to be….
The tournament in San Blass last week had a great turn out, few fish. First day saw 100 boats head out, two return with weigh able fish….
Word has it Manzanillo has cold, cold water, so that means no fish…. if you’re heading down that way, check conditions before heading out from a reputable source. Not some guy who will tell you anything you need to hear to get you on the boat….. good luck with that one….
A few more boats have been repossed in Marina Vallarta, the consolidation continues. More changes coming, stay tuned…
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Master Baiter´s … Marina Vallarta