Feb. 15, 2011
We are seeing the water temperatures hover in the low 70’s and while that is still cold water for us here in Puerto Vallarta, it is still much better for fishing than the low 60’s we were dealing with last week. There were some mornings where my Mexican side wanted a parka from the cold in the mornings! Thankfully that has all changed now and even the air temperatures are coming up to the normal 80 degree mark in the days!
Naturally tropical fish like tropical waters, even cold tropical water comes with a group of fish we won´t see much of come summer. African Pompano have pretty much taken over the areas with structure where you would expect Rooster fish to be lately. You can expect to find many, but not overly abundant around the corner of Punta Mita in Sayulita and at the Marietta Islands around the reef. Small sardines are the food of choice right now for most of the fish out there since they, the Sardines have taken over the point! So that makes it easy, local bait always works best. So Google Eyes may be ignored so have some bait choices. Lures have been working as well, Pink, Yellow, Orange, black, in combinations are working well.. Six inch lures with skirts the size you should be trying first. But squid baits may work as well with all the Squid we´ve seen in the area as lately….
Sierra Mackerals are everywhere and they are great tasting. Size wise they´re a little on the small side, but still taste great. It is nothing right now to hook into thirty of these in a six hour day, but they are not much larger than bait. Great fishing for younger Anglers for sure.
Jack Crevalls have also become more abundant than the last time I put up a report. In the middle of the bay to the Islands to Sayulita, they have shown up in larger numbers and as long as the temperatures remain in the 70’s they will be in the area. Many a day has been saved by Jack Crevalls or Torros as the locals call them. They are also fairly large in the 25 to 45lb range as well so make sure you are running light tackle to even the challenge and you will have a great time with some nice action!
Striped Marlin are at the Tres Marias, but they are at the third island and close in, closer in than you should be fishing. But it looks like those in charge are getting a little more flexible on the perimeter they guard and have been letting boats in closer than the guidelines permit. So keep your wits. One good thing, they are at least warning you if you are too close to the Tres Maria Islands. Remember these are prison islands and there are some rules that are as flexible as the person enforcing them. So don´t be stupid and get snagged by them! Lots of bottle nose Dolphin in the area, which is always a good sign for Yellowfin Tuna. Depending on conditions, you may still find Tuna, but they may not like what you´re presenting to them so make sure you have a good bag of tricks (lures) on hand.
El Banco to Corbeteña, there have been Sailfish sightings, but I have yet to see anyone boat one, so until somebody comes in with one, I would avoid the distance and fuel cost and hit the Marietta’s or Sayulita.
So for now it looks like your best shot at action is in the eight hour day range which has two advantages. Shorter days at closer in locations. This means fuel and time savings and the little woman can still dress you up and take you to dinner. Let’s hope you´ll be eating your catch that evening!
Until then, take care and don´t forget to kiss your fish!