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Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

Puerto Vallarta´s World Famous Fishing Grounds Explode with Dorado, Sailfish and Striped Marlin…. 427.9 lb Yellowfin Tuna at Socorro

Written by Stan Gabruk


For the last few weeks pounding out a cookie cutter report has been less than exciting for me. Every year just after the Easter Holiday the tourism here in Puerto Vallarta takes a dive. The waters in the area are in a transition mode where we see the cold water fish move out as we wait for the warm water species to trickle into the area. This is has been the situation, but it looks like we may finally see some welcome changes in the water temperatures. Which of course is the first ingredient necessary for things to change. With the sudden arrival of Sailfish off El Banco (The Bank in English), Striped Marlin and Dorado we know that at last for now there is trophy game fish in Puerto Vallarta´s world famous fishing grounds.  Finally something to write about!

It was funny, a few of my Captains and First Mates came in  the shop yesterday to inform me that we now have Sailfish, Dorado and Striped Marlin moving into the area. Now these guys were talking about El Banco and Corbeteña. The two world famous deep water fishing grounds we have outside of Puerto Vallarta. This is big news, we normally see Sailfish move in through the month of March. This year they were here, but they left as the water suddenly chilled to frigid which of course forced them out of the area as fast as they moved in.  So they have been waiting like everyone else for some positive signs and this would be one. I heard of a few Yellowfin Tuna coming in at 140 lbs about fifteen miles off the high spots north, Stay tuned….

Sailfish off the Marietta Islands on Marlin our38 ft Luhrs Express

El Banco and Corbeteña the two deep water locations that put Puerto Vallarta (PV) on the fishing map have both come to life, or rather I should say there is a heartbeat again on what was a dead patient. Sailfish have moved in to these two separate fishing grounds in the 70 to 85 lb range, nice sized actually. Dorado are not huge, but we´ll be happy with the 25 pounders any day.

Striped Marlin which really should have been long gone according to the calendar are now just moving in. This is a sign of warmer water, none too soon.  Striped Marlin in the 250 lb range are not huge at all, but for release they´re a fun time. Google Eyes for live bait are working best, but run a plug or two anyway.

The Marietta islands are still the place to be for action and are seeing many nice sized Sailfish as well. So if you´re targeting Sails you can find them in 8 hr days with less of an impact on your fuel dollar.  Rooster fish are now taking baits again and are running 35 to 45 lbs. Chilango Snappers are also running in the 30 lb range as well. With boils of bait on the surface, just look for the birds. I´m looking for Dorado to move into the Marietta islands shortly as well. So the fishing for now is pretty good amigos.  If you´re in town, give it a shot, you may just come in with  Dorado for Dinner!.  You´ll still find Bonito, Jack Crevalls, small Bass and the list goes on.

Rooster Fish off the Marietta Islands

Punta Mita at the northern point of the bay has been quiet as late. This will be shorted lived as it will soon be Dorado city as it becomes in May. Sailfish are always off the points as the water warms up this will continue. They may be there now, you never know. This area would be your best bet for Dorado inside a ten hour day trip. Rooster fish are still around the corner at Sayulita as usual. For now the Marietta Islands are better for reliable action.

In case you did not hear and were in a cave the last few days, our World Famous Fishing grounds has more spectacular news from Socorro Island(s) where recently a 427.9 lb Yellowfin Tuna was boated on the boat Journeyman (long range boat) . Robert Pedigru landed what could have been a world record, but the pole was handed off and the reel was spooled with 130 lb Spectra braid so it´s sad to say this fish doesn´t qualify for an IGFA certification as a record.

With the Tres Maria Islands being so far away and expensive this option for most people is not reasonable. There have been some more reports of Yellowfin out this way, but only around 80 to120 lbs. If you have to have a Tuna, this is the place to find that finned fantasy. But  Remember the Tres Maria Islands is a protected area (https://masterbaiters.com.mx2012/03/tres-maria-islands-monster-yellowfin-tuna-and-the-unspoken-risk/)  with a twelve mile restriction is also a prison island so keep your distance.  

Everyone has heard the news when it comes to Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is unaffected by recent current events. In the last week we have had President Barak Obama and Mexican President Calderon were both in Puerto Vallarta for the international Conference of Latin-America last week. So put your fears aside and look at the opportunity in front of the fisherman looking for world record sized finned fantasies. Tourism numbers are down as you would expect, everyone in PV knows low season will be very low this year. What does this mean to the consumer / summer traveler interested in fishing. First it means perfect conditions in rare uncrowded fishing grounds with world class fishing. Five years ago you would have twenty boats around Corbeteña or boats fighting over the high spots at El Banco. The second reason is the monster savings you can get on hotel rooms with names like the Weston, Marriott, Fiesta Americana and many others. Third: You´ll catch fish for sure in Puerto Vallarta if you´re willing to take the time and get out there. Everyone always talks about how it used to be, how there were no boats at Corbeteña or how the Yellowfin were the size of Volkswagens.  Well those days are back amigo. So take advantage of the incredible prices and safe atmosphere where the memories you make today will be the memories of  ¨the Good Ol Days¨…

That´s about it for now from PV… Until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish!

Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle is located in Marina Vallarta on the Boardwalk in front of Dock D. Facing the water turn to your right and we´re down four doors or so from Las Palomas the Restaurant. Come by and say hello!  Remember, at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around! If you have any questions on any subject regarding fishing or Puerto Vallarta, feel free to ask at my email: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx Web page:  www.MasterBaiters.com.mx

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.