Marlin Becomes Dominant Species, Yellowfin Tuna South of Corbeteña, Fishing in PV

It´s still raining (only for a couple of hours in the late afternoon to late evening, not all day) in Puerto Vallarta and of course that means the silty water is still pouring into the Bay of Banderas. This is a normal occurrence until the end of October when the rainy season comes to an end. But that is not to say there aren’t interested fish in your baits! It just means you may need to be a little flexible in your fishing plan and be able to adapt to conditions as they change, especially in the bay. You see the water is going to be green somewhere in the bay, if not in the entire bay. Believe it or not, that is an opportunity to find the trash line and make it work for you. Where the dirty water meets the clean water the line or stripe of organic stuff like seeds, leaves and roots are like candy to the fish in the bay. If you can find this trash line, then you will be happy you did. Mahi Mahi, Roosterfish, Snapper and more will be on this fast and free food as long as they can. So if you are not in the market for a ten or twelve hour day, this is an option to consider. The bay is still alive with action around the river mouths and where there is structure. Needle fish, Snappers, Bonito, Roballo, and more are waiting for you to show up amigos…
Outside of the bay, the Marietta Islands and El Morro are fishing machines. There are always fish off the reefs and you can take that to the bank. Again larger Needle fish, Snappers, Rooster fish possibilities, Sailfish, Bonito, Skip Jack Tuna, smaller Dorado and the list continues. Live bait is doing the trick, but lures are also working. Purple, Yellow and blue combinations are still working… Brown and black seem to be doing well also…
Off the point of Punta Mita we see the Dorado are more abundant although still on the smaller side. But if the commercial guys are going to fish them, we might as well too , just make sure to throw the females back. Sailfish are off the point a few miles. If interested in catching Marlin, Striped and Blues mostly, you can find them twelve miles off the point. If you want to head to Sayulita and the areas with structure / reefs you can boat a large Rooster in the 50 to 70 lb range. Nothing fancy for these fish, live bait or something silver and shinny will get their attention and keep it until they take your bait. Just be careful around the shore break, wouldn´t want to foul a prop on an unmarked line or put a hole in your boat bottom. Well worth an eight hour fishing day. Sayulita even had smaller Yellowfin Tuna not far out, so again, be prepared and flexible!
For those out there looking for the Big Game Fishing, El Banco is alive with all arm breaking action. Black Marlin in the 500 to 800 lb range have taken over! Blue and Striped Marlin are here as well with all of them hungry. Bait as been available, but overly abundant, so remember to make bait when you can and don´t take chances! Yellowfin have been strangely absent, unless you’re talking about football sized fish for the most part. Running in the 25 to 60 lb range, if you´re shooting for Yellowfin Tuna this may not be your best choice, but if you’re going to be there, see what happens! Remember those days when trolling for Tuna doesn´t work, the kite will. Also remember if there are lots of Jack Crevalls in the area, they will eat your bait and the YF Tuna will never have a chance to find it! Larger Dorado were caught here as well last week, but nothing you could rely on. Spotty would be the correct word for this at the moment….
The main action this week again was at Corbeteña. After so many weeks, then months with nothing happening here it’s nice to see the Rock back in the game. On the Rock itself there have been lots of Black Marlin and Sailfish caught. Cubera Snappers have started taking baits again over the volcanic structure and schooling in the area as well. Yellowfin are also at the rock, well not quite at the rock. Twelve miles south of Corbeteña is a hot spot many ignore or just don´t know of that has ¨Whoop De Doos¨ or in more understandable terms, there are ridges and deeper channels that Yellowfin have been hiding out in. On any given day these Yellowfin Tuna can range from 40 lbs to 250 lbs. Several were boated twelve to fifteen miles south of the rock last week, so we know they´re out there! With plenty of varied bait in the area, I predict this area will stay strong for the rest of the season. But this is not much of a stretch for a prediction since Corbeteña has and most likely always will be one of the anchor locations when it comes to Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta!
We have the 4t h International Marlin and Tuna Tournament in Riviera Nayarit coming up next week (Aug. 12, 13 and 14th) in Riviera Nayarit which promises to once more be a big draw for the new marina in La Cruz. Prize money this year is about the same as last year and there were no increases in entry fees this year also. So this is all good and the tournament founders, Club De Pesca always puts on a first class event. If you are interested in more information on this check out: or
Also be sure to remember we have the Pez Vela Tournament coming this November 10, 11, 12 and 13th. Remember the 10th is just sign in, the tournament starts the following morning at 7:00a.m..Possibly 6:00 am….. More information on the tournament when available, web site not updated as yet…. I have several boats priced to go and all Master Baiter´s boats are tournament ready with fresh drags (no jerking), fresh line, new bearings, everything we could slide by with, but winning tournaments comes first from preparation, after that luck and captain skills take over… Contact me if interested in winning a tournament with Magnifico or Discovery or any of the other options I have in my secret bag of tricks!
Another reminder, if you are not dealing with a licensed and insured fishing company in Puerto Vallarta, you don´t have any recorse shoud something go wrong. Like giving some guy on the board walk a deposit just to find the guy doesn´t show up the day you´re supposed to be heading out fishing. Just don´t do anything you wouldn´t do in your home town and everything will be wonderful when you head out. The reason I say this so many times I see this sort of thing happen all the time. In fact today I put a unexpected boat out just for this reason. I gave the guys fishing with me, both are in the throws of a divorce, a nice discount. And remember, if you mention you read my blog, article or are a Facebook friend, I will give you a nice discount!
Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Remember, if you have any questions or suggestions you can reach me at: or
As the Premier Fishing Company in Puerto Vallarta, we pride ourselves on service and value to our customers. All boats are insured and have correct and legal operational licenses. Feel free to contact Stan at: You can also purchase one of my famous shirts online now at: Blog: Facebook: search for MasterBaiters Stan.. Master Baiter´s is also the only company in Puerto Vallarta that Guarantees your catch with a 30% money back guarantee on full priced charters! We take the risk with you, a t Master Baiter´s®, We Don´t Jerk You Around!
The Master Baiter´s® brand name is protect under national and international law and is the legal property of Stan Gabruk of Master Baiters® Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. Any person, company or organization using this registered trademark will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.