It’s Fish City in Puerto Vallarta Fishing Grounds, Summer is Here! It can seem like a thousand years from Easter to mid June when all the summer vacationers find their way back to Vallarta once again. After last year and the swine flu lies the press in the states were spreading around, it had us a little worried that tourism may not bounce back. Now with fishings high season returning the favored species of Blue Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish and yes even Dorado have returned to the area just in time for vacationing anglers to boat that finned fantasy in their bucket lists.
First, let me say that everyone in Puerto Vallartas fishing companies are just sick to death about the open wound in the oceans floor off Louisiana that continues to spill crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The implications of what is happening are being down played and there are issues that should be addressed NOW! The general public has no clue is really happening as British Petroleum controls the flow of information to the world and the American public. The whole thing is one spin after another and not one fact that has been put before the American people have been accurate. This is a disaster of biblical proportions and to still have this open and gaping wound killing the life in the Gulf of Mexico is unacceptable. The available options that can stop this daily disaster are being ignored. I am sure the corporate mind of British Petroleum (notice I don´t say BP) thinks the damage has been done, so why stop the flow when whatever we can capture can be used to spin that fuel into a community goldmine to give ¨aid¨ to help those in the area?? Obama needs to start leading or get out of the way…. The nuclear option has worked eight times in Russia and will work in the gulf, even with the negative spin that British petroleum is putting on the whole thing. The corporate song and dance meant to head law suits off at the pass is another problem, in our waters! The cutting of the bent pipe that restricted 70% of the flow has been opened up where they are recovering about maybe half of the flow. This means we are seeing 20% more flow into the bay than we had at our worst case scenario if nothing at all had been done. More mistakes, more spin and the oil they are recovering should have been stopped long ago. The president is a lump in the way caring more about anything else than first hand getting in the face of the CEO and other executives of British Petroleum and throwing some powerful American attitude in the face of those who are playing the victim! To all the Gulf Coast, Florida, Caribbean, Cuba, and entire East Coast, our hearts go out to you.
Here on the west coast we naturally are counting our lucky stars for sure. But we are also lucky that El Banco has started, finally, firing again. Blue and some Black Marlin have been in the 800 lb range or larger this past week. Yellowfin Tuna, five to fifteen miles west of El Banco are running in the 60 to 150 lb range and they are taking baits! But that is not all, Dorado, scarce elsewhere are abundant and running in the 35 to 50 lb range. If that is not enough, Sailfish have joined the party big time! So right now if you ask me where to go, you just got your answer here, El Banco, El Banco, El Banco! This is still going to be a twelve hour day, nothing new about this since you´ll be heading out a minimum of fifty miles one way! But these are the fishing burdens we have to bear in PV and most likely always will. There are those who believe having their boats in La Cruz Marina is closer to El Banco, this is true, but it’s farther from Corbeteña also, so it is awash in my book. One thing for sure, fish move and there is very little to do in La Cruz if you aren´t into eating around the clock. Me, I could handle a problem like that!
Just say no to Corbeteña for the moment. Still after weeks of less than glowing reports the time to hit this normally hot spot is still down the road amigos. But like always, this could change before this article is completed so be sure to contact me for the latest fishing report and conditions!
The smaller flying fish that infested the entire area around the Marietta Islands to El Banco have thinned out and moved on. This means you can get that Sailfish to pay attention to what you are presenting to them finally at the Marietta Islands! Rooster fish are a little smaller for some reason this week in the 40 lb range with Snapper (Pargo in Spanish), Jack Crevalls coming out of our ears, Bonito, Skip Jacks, Pompano and the list goes on. Still an 8 hr day but well worth the time and the fuel dollars. Inside the bay as well has been doing well for the last four or five weeks. Nothing has changed and there is at times some arm burning action that will keep you ¨reeling¨ with pleasure…. And fish! Sailfish are being seen chasing skip jacks and even some Yellowfin footballs chasing bait closer in. So keep an open mind and an eye on the poles, explosions can be quick and unexpected.
Water temperatures are hovering in summer time ranges and are welcome by the local anglers and visitors alike. Air temperatures have been much, much cooler for June than is normal and is just another indication that La Nina is moving in and setting up house. If you are in the mid west, the tornados are an example of what La Nina can bring. The west coast is seeing rain and lower than normal temperatures as well. So you heard it here first, La Nina is HERE! The good news is you won´t be frying like an egg out there fishing, but don´t get me wrong, Vallarta is always warm so don´t forget the sun screen, the hat and remember to grease up the back of your neck. You would not believe how many ¨Red Necks¨ come in from fishing under an equator sun. Something to remember!
With water temperatures perfect, plenty of bait and hungry fish, the following weeks and months promise to be memorable and we are all expecting a better than average season. With airfares, hotel prices and wonderful exchange rate Mexico is a great value. When you hear about the exaggerated account so drug deaths and beheadings, remember the press is conducting a smear campaign against Mexico to keep tourism dollars home. With the oil gushing in a major vacation area of the states, Mexico is a logical choice. It’s safe, inexpensive and in Puerto Vallarta you can DRINK THE WATER RIGHT OUT OF THE TAP!
Remember, don´t be fooled by imposters in Puerto Vallarta using my corporate and trade marked name of Master Baiter’s® Sportfishing and Tackle. If anyone other than Stan Gabruk, the owner contacts you via email, you are being scamed! These folks have gone as far as coping my web site almost word for word to confuse my age old clients. You can reach me at my web page of MasterBaiters dot com do mx, that way you know you have the original and only Master Baiter´s which is located in Marina Vallata! Trade Marks on file if proof is necessary!
Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Master Baiter’s is now all over the place. Stan Gabruk post articles as a feature writer in publications, reputable web sites, Vallarta Fishing Experience host and member of better known fishing social networking sites. As the Premier Fishing Company in Puerto Vallarta, we pride ourselves on service and value to our customers. All boats are insured and have correct and legal operational licenses. Feel free to contact Stan at: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx. You can also purchase one of my famous shirts online now at: www.MasterBaitersGear.com, Facebook: search for MasterBaiters Stan, or look for me on www.Banderasnews.com and keep up with Puerto Vallarta… We’re recommended in Fodor’s Travel guide, Trip Advisor and others for Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta. For T-shirts, Tours and plain information Phone from Canada / USA: 011 52 322 209 11 28.. In P.V.: (322) 209 11 28 Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle ™ is a registered trade mark and is protected under Mexican and international law. Unlawful use of the name or trade mark will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law in the applicable country