Marlin Fishing turns World Class as Tournament Season Begins, Sportfishing in PV
One thing is for sure, when we finally reach this time of the year, it doesn´t matter what Obama is doing, it doesn´t matter what is going on with the economy, it doesn´t matter which way the dollar is going. The only thing that will matter to a fanatical fisherman looking for Monster Yellowfin Tuna or huge Black Marlin is getting on the water and getting a strike. It’s like my ex wife with a fresh credit card at a Nordstrom’s sale, you´re not going to stop her, all you can do is hope the damage is kept to a fanatical minimum! I know, what the hell does that mean……
Well right now it means Corbeteña and El Banco have turned on and we have fish at our World famous fishing ground! Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish are the big players. But there are smaller gamefish like Snappers (Pargo), huge Jack Crevalls (Torros), Amber jacks and the list goes on. We are moving into the second tourist season in PV. That’s right folks, Welcome to the beginning of Fishings High Season in Puerto Vallarta and locations up and down the coast from Cabo to Manzanillo! Marlin Mag. Is in town again getting footage and article material to document what we already know!
Corbeteña has been on fire, but if you head all the way to the Rock, you may find it a little barren. That’s right, there are always fish there, no issue there. But four to six miles before you come to the Rock, the channels are smoking and this is where the larger Marlin, mostly Black Marlin and Blue have been boated. How big you may ask, well they´re running in the 300 kilo or about 685 lbs.. Sailfish are running 80 to over 100 inches in length (look like Marlin). Now this is great news and the better news is there are still flying fish in the area to draw these Marlin and Sailfish into the area. Striped Marlin are also here running a little smaller. There was a very large Marlin lost at the leader the other day, so the big boys are out there.
But we all know at Corbeteña there is always other options, always! Right now the Red Snappers have turned back up and are taking baits trolled! Nothing huge, but 20 to 30 lb Snappers are perfect for dinner! During this time of the year the sea can run red for miles as humongous herds of Red Snappers move into the area!
We can´t forget about the Yellowfin Tuna either. The size has been reduced a little, but hooking into a 40 to 80 lb Yellowfin Tuna is still an arm burner! Now there have been some very large YF Tuna, but you have to be there at the right time, welcome to my world! Now remember, there are always larger YF Tuna out there if you are willing to do what it takes. Most people aren’t and that is where the recreational fisherman is separated from the fanatic, he doesn´t care, he just wants to be ¨there¨. The bottom line is you should catch fish. One issue with the Tuna this week is the mere fact there are just so many large Jack Crevalls (Torros) and if you´re running a kite, these guys are taking the bait before a YF Tuna can get to it! Frustration, Si! I find it hard to complain about catching fish, even if I prefer another species. Torros are hard fighters and great for photos… Some Nationals (Mexicans) know how to fix these up, but they´re about the only ones! You catch any of these, offer them to the crew, the family or neighbors will be very glad to have them!
Something to remember is the Monsoon or Seasonal rains come at this time of the year. Many will shy away from fishing if it may be raining because they´re afraid of storms and being caught at sea. Puerto Vallarta is not like that, we do see hurricanes pass he area, but it´s been more than fifty years since one has actually landed. The one in 2000 stalled 50 miles off the entrance to the bay, the waves did the damage, not the wind or rain…. Humidity builds every day in the summer in PV and this eventually turns to rain. The fish think the rain drops on the water are baits re-entering the water after trying to escape. The fish frenzy-up, will attack just about anything that hits the water surface at that point…. What comes with the rains, is dirty water coming down the hills into the rivers and ultimately into the Bay of Banderas. I have seen stuff floating in the bay you would not believe after a deluge from the heavens! Logs, trees, refrigerators, dead horses or cows, all are fish attractors like Dorado, Rooster fish and Snappers! Great for fishing, bad for the props. That is why you will be heading out of the bay slowly, especially if it’s early and the sun isn´t due up for a few hours….. Luckily the dirty water is kinda shallow and you can find fish under the dirty stuff with planer boards… just a little secret to keep between us…
At this time of the year, Corbeteña and El Banco are the main players. But not everyone wants to catch Moby Dick, maybe you want some smaller action on a shorter day. For those, we have El Morro, The Marietta Islands. There is always action at these locations, summer or winter, you´ll catch fish. At the moment the fish in these areas, if you’re in clean water, are mostly Jack Crevalls, Bonito, Needle fish, Snappers, and of course the list continues. With changing conditions and species it is important to keep up with the latest reports since things can change before you finish this article! Something that applies to Corbeteña or El Banco, the Sailfish and many marlin have been hitting purple lures, brown and orange combinations, blue and pink are working well also, so there you are… go get ‘em!
Remember when in Puerto Vallarta, come visit The Marina Village with 150 Retail Shops and Restaurant Row. Rediscover Marina Vallarta with the new Star Bucks, The light house, fine dining and not so fine dining. Sports bars, Real Estate, Tours, you name it. The Marina Village is the Number One Attraction in Puerto Vallarta and it would be a shame if you missed one of the top ten private marinas in the world! Just come on down and tell them Stan from Master Baiter´s told you that they would get a preferred customer special and see what happens. Hey, you just may get something for free! Either way, I am sure I will get an ear full for that statement! Hahahaha….
Just a reminder, we have the Pez Vela Tournament coming this November 10, 11, 12 and 13th. Remember the 10th is just sign in, the tournament starts the following morning at 7:00a.m..Possibly 6:00 am….. More information on the tournament when available, web site not updated as yet…. I have several boats priced to go and all Master Baiter´s boats are tournament ready with fresh drags (no jerking), fresh line, new bearings, everything we could slide by with, but winning tournaments comes first from preparation, after that luck and captain skills take over… Contact me if interested in winning a tournament with Magnifico or Discovery or any of the other options I have in my secret bag of tricks!
Don´t forget to visit my web page at. www.MasterBaiters.com.mx…. Also tell your friends about my blog so they too can keep up with the action in some of the best fishing grounds in the whole world!! And Imagine, I am the only guy writting about it in blog formatt…..
Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Remember, if you have any questions or suggestions you can reach me at: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx
As the Premier Fishing Company in Puerto Vallarta, we pride ourselves on service and value to our customers. All boats are insured and have correct and legal operational licenses. Feel free to contact Stan at: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx. You can also purchase one of my famous shirts online now at: www.MasterBaitersGear.com Blog: www.masterbaiters.wordpress.com Facebook: search for MasterBaiters Stan.. Master Baiter´s is also the only company in Puerto Vallarta that Guarantees your catch with a 30% money back guarantee on full priced charters! We take the risk with you, a t Master Baiter´s®, We Don´t Jerk You Around!
The Master Baiter´s® brand name is protect under national and international law and is the legal property of Stan Gabruk of Master Baiters® Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. Any person, company or organization using this registered trademark will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.