Title: Big Yellowfin Tuna Ten Miles Outside El Banco
Here in Puerto Vallarta we have all the Big Game Fishing you could hope for. Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Snappers, and of course Yellowfin Tuna. It´s at this time of the year when we see the return of Monster Yellowfin Tuna over 200 lbs of pure fight. Every day I get questions on how the fishing is and the conversation always turns to Yellowfin Tuna. Thankfully we have something to talk about now. Outside the high spots at El Banco we´ve seen some larger Yellowfin Tuna this week ranging in the 100 to 125 lb range. But you better be patient and willing to go the distance, literally. When I say outside the high spots, I mean way outside, ten miles or more. Like last year it appears the warm northern current is farther out than we like it, taking these warm water species with it. This is not unusual, but it is inconvenient! At the points head north and keep your eyes open for the birds. If you see action but you´re not getting any strikes, then it´s time to break out the kite.
If you don´t want to go past El Banco, you´ve still got a great opportunity at Large Dorado, Black Marlin, and Amber Jacks. But on any given day, anything is possible at this location so keep your ears open. The water temperatures here have been running 84 degrees, not bad for our favorite species! With blue water and plenty of bait to draw their attention!
Corbeteña is pretty much the same story. Lots of possibilities, but if you´re willing to increase the area you´ll fish in, like due south of the rock, you could be pleasantly surprised. Remember everyone, fish move. Now I know that everyone knows this, but they don´t think like this once they get to the rock and nothing is happening! Of course there is always something happening at El bacon, but if the Marlin aren´t jumping and the Yellowfin aren´t biting, then there are those who think it´s dead! Well amigos, you couldn´t be more wrong, there is always action at Corbeteña if you´re equipped for it! Right now those doing bottom fishing are coming in with Dog Tooth Snappers aka Cubera Snappers are running in the 50 to 65 lb range and well worth the effort. So if you´re heading out this way, keep this in mind! Now there are Yellowfin Tuna and Black Marlin at the rock, but they´re not taking baits, so this will drive you nuts! Just remember things can change in less than a heartbeat, so don´t despair.
The real story this week has been the bay itself, again. Your best bang for your fishing dollar has been in the mouth of the bay at El Morro and The Marietta Islands. The area has really broken loose with Dorado, Sailfish, Snappers, Roosters, Bonito, Needle Fish and more. The water in the area has been a fish comfortable 86 degrees, plenty of bait and even more fish. The water has remained blue and those with an eye on their fuel dollar or their wallet in general are heading out this way for some serious action. Just remember these are protected waters and you will be given a citation for fishing in too close to the islands on private boats. If you´re on a charter with a captain that is dumb enough to be there and get caught, no worries amigos, the captain gets the ticket.
Punta Mita has been alive as well with Rooster fish off the Sayulita Area. Sails and even the occasional Black Marlin have been sighted. The sails are big and the Marlin is young, but they are there. Remember to throw the babies back if you can! This included female Dorado laden with eggs. One female can have thousands of eggs in its roe, but the males, well we always knew we´re expendable, so keep what you can eat!
In the bay we´ve seen some more surprising action in the Buceras area. It seems that the northern shore line is alive with Snappers, Roosters, Dorado and even Sailfish. Sharon Pagoria went fishing with us the other day and boated a 100 inch Sailfish just three miles off shore, in the bay. What really makes this fish special is the fact this was Sharon’s first fish ever! So she decided to mount it and she´s got a nice trophy coming her way soon. Kinda exciting, kinda fun, but very surprising. This trip was only four hours. Needless to say it was a great day for Sharon and Tony Paroria. One thing for sure, when it comes to Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta, at Master Baiter´s,¨ We Won´t Jerk You Around¨!
In the coming week with plenty of bait in the water, the conditions will only improve. We haven´t seen bad conditions of dirty water, or cold water at the more popular spots. That could be because of the relatively dry Summer we´re having here now…. But the fishing is getting better by the day and the deals couldn´t be better than they are now.
Well that´s about it for this week, until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish
Stan Gabruk
Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle®