Finally, Summer Finds Puerto Vallarta, Blue Marlin, Sailfish, and Roosters Return!
From just after Easter to the second week of June Puerto Vallarta can get very slow. By slow I mean in visitors available to head out fishing just as the summer season gets started. After Easter the families stop coming with kids Easter vacations over, and school getting out about mid June, this time frame is slow for everything except fishing. Right now we are expecting the annual run of very large Marlin coming up from the Costa Rica, Panama areas with the currents. Rooster fish have finally gotten into taking baits, Sailfish have returned from where ever they were and Marlin are inside a ten hour day. So to say there are fish out there is understatement amigos!
The exciting news this week is the Rooster Fish at the Marietta Islands have finally gotten their eyes off the ladies and are interested in a nice, flashy jig! Roosters at the islands have been in the 40 to 70 lb range and they’re anything but polite about the way they’re attaching a jig. If you´ve never seen a Rooster fish attack a bait on the surface, it´s actually shocking to see it for the first time. The quills sticking up from the surface as it literally races like a torpedo towards your bait. It looks almost like a submarine sea demon. Once hit hits, then you know it´s a demon! On light tackle you can expect to spend fifteen minutes to an hour depending on the variables. One non-variable will be your sore arms the next day! Since we´re talking about the Marietta Islands, the Sailfish are setting up house in this area again, that´s the good news. The bad news, sort of, is there are like billions upon billions of flying fish in the small sardine size. Trying to turn their heads from that is like pulling your wife from an 80% off sale at Neiman Marcus or Nordstrom’s… it’s just not going to happen. But this will change soon so stay tuned..
Other exciting news for those looking for Blue Marlin is that they have turned up in what seems to be a growing in popularity location for these fish. This place is north of Punta Mita, a heading from the point of 300 to 310 and fifteen miles out you will find Sailfish and Blue Marlin. No need to get fancy with the baits, just get a Google Eye in front of them or a chorra and you’ll be hooked up before you know it. Average the last couple of days have been three hooks per boat a day.. not bad.
Yellowfin Tuna are out there big time amigos, there is nothing new about this. What is new, clients are starting to understand that if you want to boat a Monster Yellowfin Tuna, you have to do what it takes, which always boils down to money, Fuel money and the extras like captains and equipment. Another thing that people forget is that it has always been a fishing safari for the larger fish. The Southern California Boys know that. Jezzz for Yellowfin Tuna out of San Diego those boys are heading days and days out to Mexico fishing and paying several thousand dollars for the privilege to boat 80 pound (if lucky) Albacore! So heading out 50 to 75 miles one way for a Monster YF Tuna is no big deal. Those who complain about the distance, time or expense are not Tuna Hunters by any stretch of the imagination and should stay to closer in fish that are still large and fun to catch. But you have to really want a Monster to get a Monster!
Forget Corbeteña, nothing happening there and unless you want to venture out there and let me know what is happening there, I will keep heading north.
El Banco had Yellowfin Tuna, Spinner Dolphins and Shrimp… What does that all mean, well Magnifico headed out to The Bank the other day to see what was happening and came across spinner Bottle Nose Dolphin. Now we all get excited when we see spinners since we know small YF Tuna will run with them. As we got closer we noticed Monster YF Tuna launching themselves through the bait ball and the spinners were in there also. Once we on the bait ball, it turned out that these fish were slashing through giant prawn blue shrimps. Well when it comes to competing with shrimp for a tunas attention, well you can forget it. But the encouraging thing is YF Tuna in the 100 to 200 lb range were out there. Sailfish and Marlin are in the area as well. It´s hard to get a read for what the conditions are here since so few are heading out to this location. But if you head out and catch something, let me know….. This area is just too good to be quiet for much longer so remember to check the blog… www.MasterBaiters.wordpress.com
We’re seeing signs of Dorado at the Point of Punta Mita, but they are very young and better left for when they´re bigger. Just remember to throw the females back, we need them in the water amigos. The males, put them on a plate and call me! The Marietta Islands as mentioned earlier are still on fire with Jack Crevalls, Bonito, Sailfish, Snappers, Pompanos and the list goes on. Still a great day for your fishing dollar with relative assuredness of coming in with something for the dinner table.
The River Mouths have Snook and they are good sized. As we move into the rainy season they love to hang around the river mouths with all the seeds, leaves, bugs and organic material washing down the rivers, they don´t seem to mind the muddy area as the water from the rivers empties into the bay. Remember, there are tons of ways to catch fish. When we limit ourselves to just a specific fish or two, you are the only one missing out on some real fun. So keep an open mind and get your captain to show you what he knows, not what he thinks you want to see!
Until next week, don´t forget to kiss your fish!
Master Baiter’s is now all over the place. Stan Gabruk post articles as a feature writer in publications, reputable web sites, Vallarta Fishing Experience host and member of better known fishing social networking sites. As the Premier Fishing Company in Puerto Vallarta, we pride ourselves on service and value to our customers. All boats are insured and have correct and legal operational licenses. Feel free to contact Stan at: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx. You can also purchase one of my famous shirts online now at: www.MasterBaitersGear.com Blog: www.masterbaiters.wordpress.com Facebook: search for MasterBaiters Stan, or look for me on Twitter: www.Masterbaiters/twitter.com and for local information that is priceless visit: www.Banderasnews.com and keep up with Puerto Vallarta…
We’re recommended in Fodor’s Travel guide, Trip Advisor and others for Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta. For T-shirts, Tours and plain information Phone from Canada / USA: 011 52 322 209 11 28.. In P.V.: (322) 209 11 28
Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle ™ is a registered trade mark and is protected under Mexican and international law. Unlawful use of the name or trade mark will result in prosecution to the full extent of the law in the applicable country