Everyday is a Different Challenge, Chilly Water!
Written by: Stan Gabruk owner of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle
At this time of the year we normally see water temperatures inching their way up, it isn’t happening. Last week we had Freak Black Marlin, Sailfish, Striped Marlin and then BAM! Water temps dropped like a rock, blue water disappeared for the most part and we’re all scratching our heads about this. For the next few days expect no Marlin of any kind, No Tuna of any kind unless “footballs” as bait conditions begin to change. It’s a weird week so put your seat belts on, it’s a “Chilly Story” this week.
Frankly this is surprising to me, I figured we had a cold current that would be a thing of the past in a few days. Here we are a week later and we’re seeing conditions that are more like early winter and not early summer fishing at all! Sardines are thinning out, we still have bullet Bonito which are a favorite bait for the “locals”, red Tuna Crabs have shown up again so it’s a real mixed bag out there. Corbetena and El Banco are not happening, don’t waste your time, you’re burning fuel for “iffy” fishing at best. With the clean green water coming in we naturally know it’s going to be cold water. But we also have some red tide spots scattered around the area. Brown water, then there are also blue water spots. If you can find blue water it’s in the upper 70’s degree wise. If the water is green or brown it’s in the super low seventies. If you find yourself in this area Cuberra Snappers will come up for baits, so it’s a right place at the right time scenario. Rainbow runners in the 40 lb range, Amber Jacks to 50 lbs, Jack Crevalls to 40 lbs, Bonito to 35 lbs and if you see Spinner Dolphin you’ll most likely find Football Tuna in the 30 lb range. For both Corbetena and El Banco that’s the best I can say. Stay tuned, this will change or it means we’re entering a la Nina Year which is very possible, stay tuned!
Now imagine you do find fish and they’re not taking bait for love or money. It’s a head scratcher, but with cold water we know we have a real challenge finding warm water species. The Sailfish have taken a powder, Dorado right now is a fantasy, Rooster fish are iffy at best. If you find yourself around the Marietta Islands, El Morro or Punta Mita area you can find plenty of Jack Crevalls, Smaller bonito to 25 lbs, possible Pompano, it’s a short list this week. Things can change before you finish this article so keep positive and save those fuel dollars for the coming weeks.
And once again Inside the bay the fishing is superior to most of the other fishing grounds. Your chance of boating a Sailfish is better in the bay than outside the bay. So if you need a fishing fix, you can scratch that itch in the bay. Plenty of Jack Crevalls to 40 lbs, Sierra Mackerels to 15 lbs, Bonito of course to 30 lbs, all the regular players including Sea Bass (Yeha!) that came back to the opening of the Ameca River. Now the bay fishing has its challenges as well, but it’s still the best bang for your fishing buck amigo. Fish on the cheap, we have $200 bare bones trips, no frills, but it’s a great deal that will get you on the water and having fun, good for up to four people, why aren’t you calling me now already!?
After what seemed like “forever” we’re finally seeing the bite get earlier in the morning. Leave early since there is a double earlier bite one after 8:00 a.m. and the other around 1:00 in the early afternoon. For now figure on being where you want to be by 8:00 and you can´t be late for the bite! Water temperatures moved down dramatically to 70 with the previously mentioned cooling trend around the area. Water conditions could be better, avoid the red tide at all cost, fishing wise that is. Literally, the moving target a.k.a. Bait is not what it was. Sardines are moving out, Bullet Bonito are still thick in the area so that’s promising. Tuna Crabs have drifted in around the size of a ten peso piece. Naturally there are always Skip jack Tuna, Goggle Eyes and the list goes on. Running plastics this week was a real disaster. Capt. Cesar of Magnifico took every single lure and trust me he has hundreds, couldn’t get one fish to take a look. So you’re on your own this week. If you discover a something that is working, let me know!
Remember we´re still doing our best to hook you up with partners for shared super panga trips of eight hours at $275 us for half a panga or two people max. We´re also selling clients smoked fish, or just give us half your catch, you´ll get the other half back smoked and vacuum sealed so you don´t have to freeze it to get it home! It´s great for less than tasty fish like Sailfish, Jack Crevalls, Rooster fish and more. Now if you have a Dorado, Snapper or Bonito they´re just outstanding. So call us on the way in, we´ll meet you at the dock and get your details, any company, any boat, just have fish!
Master Baiter’s is jumping into the Used Fishing Equipment, tackle, polls, down riggers, lures, life preservers, Kayaks, water sports items of all sorts, radios, anything fishing or water sports related and we’ll sell it for you. We all have too much and always not enough when it comes to fishing tackle and equipment. We also will be announcing another new location and need old or cool fishing antique type stuff so lets get this party started!
Until next week, Don´t forget to kiss Your Fish!
Master Baiter´s is located in Marina Vallarta between docks A and B on the boardwalk
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 75 71 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325
The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.