Tuna and Sailfish, The El Nino Surprise

As we get ready to enter March, we’re still seeing summer season species in cold water. This is the sort of thing that happens in an El Nino year. Naturally if you’re looking at the calendar, you’d be saying ‘this shouldn’t be happening’. But strangely enough it is happening and we’re not going to cry or complain about great fishing. With unpredictable currents and fluctuating water temperatures local angles are still seeing Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, Striped Marlin and more. Fishing in Puerto Vallarta’s world famous fishing grounds right now are living up to their reputation. That’s the up side, the down side is you have to push a lot of water as you’ll need to be about 30 miles off the point of Punta Mita for the best action. For the family that isn’t all that interested in boating a Sailfish for example will still find fun and exciting action for the family closer in and will be satisfied with smaller species in larger numbers. Those looking for some fun action fishing from 7 to 70, will find exactly what you’re looking for. If you’re willing to put in the time, effort and of course money!
Surprisingly Great P.V. Fishing Continues

On a weekly basis now, I seem to be the biggest pessimist in the area. I keep thinking the fishing is going to turn and I’m sending people out “hoping” they catch fish. Then my crews send me pictures and I turn into an optimist. So I give up, the fishing is great until further notice. Why would I say this, because the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is much better than I would expect it to be! Even with cool water temperatures, several of our warm water species are still hanging around and the only reason is bait. Krill, Sardines, Goggle eyes, Flying fish and the list seems endless. So we now know, bait trumps cold water. I’ve learned my lesson and my inner optimist is excited for what news the next fishing day will bring. This week we saw Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado and if that doesn’t turn you into an optimist, when winter species should be moving in, then you may have turned into ‘me’!
Late Season Dorado and Striped Marlin

It seems like we’ve been in the ‘endless summer’ as summer species like Dorado, Sailfish, Striped Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna are still hanging around. Right now the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is surprisingly great! The farther out you go, the better your chances to boat that fantasy fish in Puerto Vallarta’s world class fishing grounds. Sooner or later this has to come to an end and we’re seeing signs of ‘sputtering’. If you’ve been reading my articles on a regular basis, you will remember we’ve been looking at water temperatures hovering at 73 degrees. Right now at the deep water fishing grounds of Corbetena and El Banco, there have been no changes. But in the bay this week we have seen another two degree drop, so change is here. For the next twenty minutes or so, the fishing will be fine. But from this point forward, those looking for summer species may find themselves disappointed. What does this mean, well you better get on the water soon. The good news is the cold water species are moving into the bay!
Amazing Late Season Fishing in Puerto Vallarta

I have to say that I am just flabbergasted that the fishing is so great this late in the fishing season. We normally expect an explosion of Dorado and Striped Marlin about now, but things have been ‘exploding’ for some time now. The amazing late season fishing in Puerto Vallarta isn’t showing any indications of slowing down any time soon. With Striped Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna footballs and plenty of larger Dorado, it makes ‘catching’ a no brainer! For the last few weeks I was afraid to allow myself to be optimistic about what was to come. But now it’s obvious that the second fishing season. An ‘Indian Summer’ of our fishing season means all you have to do is show up at your favorite fishing grounds and get prepared for a ‘bucket list’ day of fishing amigos.
Dorado Everywhere, Summer Species Linger

Here we are, heading into late January and you’d almost think it was late November fishing. With water temperatures hovering at 73 degrees, all of a sudden the ‘clean green’ water returns. Clean green water normally isn’t a Dorados best friend, but if there’s bait in the water, minor things like water temperatures are easily ignored. None of this means much to the visiting tourist looking to get on the water and have a day they’ll never forget. To them all they want to do is catch fish and that’s easy. If you’re interested in fishing Puerto Vallarta’s world class fishing grounds, it’s not too late amigos to boat that bucket list finned fantasy. All you need to do is choose which species you want to target from Sailfish, Dorado, Striped Marlin or Yellowfin Tuna and I’ll tell you where to find them!
Striped Marlin, Cooling Water Temps as Summer Species Continue Hanging Out

Normally when I write my weekly fishing reports, I’m very careful to not be too optimistic. This past week was much better than my “pessimistic” outlook. I was expecting the warm water species to move out as we see winter species moving in. What is actually happening is the winter species are still moving in, but the summer species of Dorado, Sailfish, and even Yellowfin Tuna are still “hanging out”! And in fact they’re enjoying the cooler water! Why? In a word, “bait”! With Massive amounts of Krill or tiny squids, Ballyhoos, flying fish, Sardines, the list is endless. If you were a fish, would you swim away from fast food and easy living? When it comes to world class fishing in Puerto Vallarta, sometimes the obvious isn’t so obvious!
Winter Water Temperatures, Lingering Summer Species, Striped Marlin Increasing

Well here we are again looking at the seasonal fishing reversals as winter species are moving in as our summer species of Dorado and Sailfish continue to linger. With massive amounts of bait in the water, including the dominant Krill or Whale food, the fishing is still great. We’re on the tail end of summer species like Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna. All of this is normal for this time of the y ear. But with El Nino, it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next. The last El Nino year, we had Yellowfin Tuna at Corbetena into late February! Now that’s not a prediction, but with El Nino, anything is possible when it comes to fishing in Puerto Vallarta. With drastically low water temperatures, it won’t be long before we’re looking at Sea Bass, Grouper and Snappers moving into the area. But for now we’re still boating Dorado and Marlin for those lucky enough to be in Puerto Vallarta’s world famous fishing grounds!
El Banco Comes To Life, Water Temps in Winter Ranges, Striped Marlin Moving In

Welcome to my first fishing report of the New Year! And how better to start a new year with a new beginning at El Banco, so to speak. Yes folks El Banco, or The Bank is showing signs of life and it has a strong heart beat for the moment. Also, Sailfish and Striped Marlin are still running our world class fishing grounds when talking about fishing in Puerto Vallarta. It’s also Whale Season, this means there are just tons of Krill, or rather Whale food in the bay. So there are challenges, but nothing the local captains can’t figure out. What’s really news is the drastic drop in water temperatures due to El Nino. Now you’d think water temperatures would be going up, but that logic is flawed as we see the winter fishing season coming on strong and early. A month early so start thinking “winter species”.
Cool Water, Yellowfin Tuna Linger, Dorado Thinning, Winter Fishing Coming on Strong

The clock is ticking and the end of the summer fishing season is upon us. But there is still time for those late to the game. Surprisingly Dorado are still in the bay. Sailfish are still taking bait, Striped Marlin are moving in and the winter fishing season is coming on strong. Soon fishing in Puerto Vallarta will be all about winter species. But not yet! If you’re looking to boat a Yellowfin Tuna, the clock is ticking. Thinking about a Blue Marlin, it may already be too late. But those looking for Dorado still have a chance. Sailfish will “hang” for a while, as long as we have plenty of bait. For those here in Puerto Vallarta looking to go fishing, we’re still targeting summer species, but the clock is ticking. Tick tock, tick tock.
Blue Water, Billfish, Tuna and Dorado, PV Fishing is Back

Finally, a report I can “sink my teeth into”. I’m sure from that statement you understand that the Red Tide problem has finally moved out. And what is happening in Puerto Vallarta’s fishing grounds is exciting. Yes water temperatures are still down and it looks like the winter fishing season is arriving early. All of that is true, but for now we have action all around our world class fishing grounds. As colder currents and dropping water temperatures are indications of the switch to winter fishing, early this year I might ad. What we’re seeing now may be what we would normally see in February when the Dorado north near Cabo flee the cold water. As they, the Dorado pass Puerto Vallarta fishing grounds heading south, they’re hungry, this should last for a little while. The good news is we have action, YeHa!!