Written by: Stan Gabruk of Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle

Every year the fishing season develops differently. Forest would say “Fishing is like a box of chocolates”! With constantly changing currents and weather conditions we never know what we’re going to get. This year we’re seeing some exciting indicators and frankly I haven’t been this excited for the new fishing season for many years. Water temperatures are perfect, Bait conditions are perfect, the seas are as smooth as I’ve ever seen. Yellowfin Tuna of good size, early season Dorado in large numbers. I mean we even have had some rain so there are mature Trash Lines, it’s very exciting stuff. Want to know more, keep reading…
First some basics so we don’t lose you, a “trash line” is a fishing term for when we get rain in the local mountains, it washes leaves, trees, seeds, all sorts of organic type materials come washing down the hills. Pouring Into the streams, then into the ocean. This will leave a band of “trash” so naturally we call it a “Trash Line”. Behind the trash line is dirty water, naturally with the adobe hills the water is a “coffee with cream” color. This can be on the surface as little a two feet deep, where below the water is clean. Or it can be thicker, depends on what the currents are doing in the area. In front of this trash ribbon the water is clean and blue. Like a fence line, this can stretch for kilometers or blocks. Mostly smaller fish will feed off the trash in the bay, this in turn draws larger fish and can be a very productive area to drop lures and baits. Once trash lines float out a bit, the dirty water will dissipate, this is when you find larger Dorado. Mature trash lines many times will have branches or clumps of other debris that creates a haven for smaller fish below. And once again the prospects of larger Dorado increase. Once a trash line reaches the point of Punta mite or outside the bay, any floating debris or “trash” is a possible Dorado Goldmine. A little something to know and tell. It’s all very exiting!. Want to know more?. Keep reading…

Corbetena is on fire. Yellowfin Tuna are being boated daily between 40 and 150 lbs or larger. With the Yellowfin Tuna they’re better at the late bite which is just before sunset. For the guy who just have to have a Yellowfin Tuna an overnight trip is a perfect fit right now. Hit the late bite, wake up to the morning bite, then chase Marlin the rest of the day. Sounds like a plan to me. But if you’re looking for Stripers they’re still here as well as unusual as that may seem. Striped Marlin normally prefer water temperatures around 75 degrees. With water temperatures at a perfect 84 degrees you’d expect they’d be moving on to Cabo but that’s not the case. Sailfish are roaming the area and are Blue Marlin at 300 lbs. Still a bit small for a Blue Marlin, but it’s still early in the season so this is exciting stuff. To see Dorado now, at this time of the year, compared to the past six years is a night and day difference. Baby Dorado are thick but running on the smaller size range of 10 to 15 lbs. Catch one Dorado and you’ll have a few follow the hooked one up. We have fish amigos, we just need people on the boats. Frankly with very few boats heading to the fishing grounds they seem to be staying on the surface more. Imagine you and your buddies are the only boat at Corbetena? El Banco now is a mystery. No people heading this way, fuel cost and the lack of information from this world famous fishing location could mean there is action there. I would imagine Blue Marlin, Sailfish, possible Yellowfin Tuna are there, but with no boats, who knows. It’s twenty five miles north of Corbetena, with risk comes reward, feeling lucky?

Punta Mita area is cooking right now with a mature trash line and smaller Dorado feeding of the organic delicacies. Sailfish are also at the point with Striped marlin and Jack Crevalls. If you take a heading of 300 off the point about six to ten miles out anything is possible. An eight hour trip is worth the money now amigos, don’t hesitate. I’ve seen some locals posting Rooster fish, so even more to be excited about.
Inside the bay is still “happening”. Freak Sailfish off Los Arcos and with a fresh trash line smaller Dorado 10 to 15 lbs have found the McDonalds of the seas. Jack Crevalls are still in the Nuevo Vallarta beach area and fairly thick, Jacks are a primarily winter species for us here in PV but they will hang if the bait conditions are correct. And now they’re perfect with massive amounts of Flying fish, Plantillos (look like Goggle Eyes), Skip Jacks, baby Bonita’s (Bullets), baby Blue Runners and more. Not too much bait and not too little, I feel like Goldilocks. We’re even seeing some smaller Blue Marlin jumping between Los Muertos area to Los Arcos. Like I said some exciting stuff. Four hour trip will work but I’d suggest a six hour trip to allow time to explore the bay a little.
With water temperatures in the perfect range, plenty of bait in the area and the increasing number of species which are larger by the day, I can’t help but be excited. From this point forward the fishing will only improve. Black Marlin will soon be moving in so you Marlin Guys plan your trip now. I can’t remember when we had Yellowfin Tuna over 100 lb at this time of year for many a moon. Dorado numbers are picking up, I believe changing the laws about unrestricted shipping out of the country has helped a lot. Even the long liners seem to be MIA. It’s all good folks and it’s only going to get better.
Until next week, don’t forget to kiss your fish!
Web page: www.MasterBaiters.com.mx , Local Phone at: (044) 322 779 7571 or our international number is: 011 52 322 209 1128 10 to 9 local time. #MasterBaitersSportfishing on Instagram, Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.