World Record Class Yellowfin Tuna, Fishing at
The Tres Maria Islands, Master Baiter’s ™ Style
Written by: Stan Gabruk,
owner of master Baiter’s Sportfishing and Tackle

If you’re a Yellowfin Tuna enthusiast, then you’re well aware of the Tres Maria Islands. Located about 100 miles to the north of Puerto Vallarta the area has become super famous for Yellowfin Tuna from 200 to 400 lbs. Those running boats down this way to PV from Southern California, The Red Rooster, Apollo and Constitution to mention a few, I call these guys the “Chest Beaters”. You may ask: Why do I call them this? Well the answer is obvious, they want to show the So. Cal types that they’re boating these “incredible YF Tuna” like crazy in Mexico. This is of course “Off Season” revenue for these guys when the winter fishing craps out in Southern California. They come down to Puerto Vallarta (aka PV), beat their chest then head back to their own back yard to hit their summer season. I can’t blame them. They do well, they make a few bucks, people are being treated well and having fun. It’s all good. There’s just one down side, it’s Mexico’s “off season” for fishing as well. Including the
Tres Maria Islands, no matter how “great” they promote it to be. It’s the low season for the The Tres Marias, think about that one. Come March through May, YF Tuna at the Marias in this time frame is 50 / 50! You could come up skunked in this time frame. Especially from those who don’t know the local waters! San Diego waters they know, Tres Maria’s, they’re just lucky to be frank. Capt Oscar and Armando know the holes, the high spots and the tricks learned through generations of fishing knowledge handed down to the locals like Capt. Oscar!

These YF Tuna Enthusiast / Fanatics are spending $1,700 usd per person for a 2.5 day trip to the Marias. The Constitution stuffs more than ten guys on these sardine cans, as do the others. To be upfront, I’ve never been a fan of those cattle car fishing trips. It only takes one Jerk to make that boat too small, especially on a multi-day trip packed in like Sardines.

After years of telling people “The Tres Maria Islands were a prison Island where you could get your boat confiscated” for fishing inside the legal limit of twelve miles.
Things have now changed as The Tres Maria Islands are now open waters! The Prison part of the Islands is now being vacated to become a cultural center! No more worries of confiscated boats! As of Feb. 16th the Islands will be open. Of course this means it’s “Game On” and Master Baiter’s is finally throwing our hat into the ring.

Master Baiter’s has always been a name you could trust and rely on with quality products and a belief in being “Straight Up” when it comes to fishing conditions! In that spirit I’ve been watching these “other guys” pushing fishing trips for a fortune making their clients think they’re in the “Promise Land” taking advantage of those Southern California types. We’re here to open your eyes amigos. Why would you jump on a Cattle Car when you can be on a yacht, a real, luxury sport-fishing yacht? That’s right, I now have a 60 ft Hatteras Sportfishing Yacht with a Max. of Six people, three private cabins, each with a private head with shower. The boat is spectacular, no doubt about it. You can’t find a more comfortable platform to have an experience of a lifetime! Frankly that part is a “No-Brainer”.
So what about the fishing equipment, Captain, Crew, experience and reliability?? Well, I’m glad you asked! Anyone familiar with Puerto Vallarta knows the name Master Baiter’s. Two time world champions in the Marlin Category of the WBS Billfishing series of 2000 and 2001 Master Baiter’s has a firm and solid foundation when it comes to fishing in Mexico. Nobody and I mean nobody can make any statement that comes close to this! We’ve taken these years of experience have now applied these world class concepts to a truly World Class Fishing Experience targeting World Record Range Yellowfin Tuna! Big words you may be
thinking, I’d have to agree. Many of you are familiar with the web site Bloody Decks. You may also remember their boat Maximus, which was captained by Captain Oscar Ruben Diaz Perez and his then first mate Armando. You Bloody Decks boys sure threw his name around in those days. Many may remember the “Urban Legend” type fishing story of the “Captain” that would feed the military guys protecting the island Sandwiches. Give them cokes, Playboys, Cigarettes, joke a bit and then could keep fishing in at close range to the Island! That captain was Capt. Oscar! Armando was the first mate and he’s with us as well. So as far as reputation and ability I don’t think we need to say much more. Capt Oscar and Armando set Bloody Decks on the tracks, got them rolling and making money. What many of you out there don’t know is Capt. Oscar has been my friend now for almost twenty years. Even when he was on the Maximus he was loyal to Master Baiter’s ™ by always wearing our T-Shirts while operating the Maximus. They didn’t like it, but they couldn’t stop him. Now I have Capt. Oscar back working with us on the pictured 60 ft Hatteras Sport-fisher Yacht! It’s a spectacular platform to live on, fish off and have the experience of a lifetime! The equipment as you’d expect from Master Baiter’s ™ is top of the line, Professional grade and maintained! Plenty of everything you need even if you don’t know you “need” it.
So here’s the bottom line and the killer comparisons. The Constitution, Apollo and others charge the cattle car of stacked Sardines rate of $1,700 usd per person for a 2.5 day fishing trip in Mexico’s “off” season. They put more than ten guys on this 60 ft Sardine can with one first mate which really surprises me. If I took that same Sardine Can Comparison rate and applied it to my 60 ft Hatteras the cost of only six people would be $10,200.00 Dollars. Now being packed in like Sardines you’d expect you’re getting the best price possible. Yet you’d be very, very wrong, in fact you’ve been abused! How do I know, because I am now offering a Luxury Yacht Sportfisher, with Capt. Oscar and Armando, the unbeatable team for only $8,799.99 usd (ha ha) and we fish these waters all year round!
Yes, you read that correctly, or I should say this is Master Baiter’s(tm) back yard. My Captains and crews grew up with severe weather as a common occurrence. Imagine that for a second… We don’t get nervous or excited about something you normally have several days notice of. People travel these water in the summer between Cabo and PV on a regular basis. Cruise ships travel this area and to be frank there can be times when the weather will put a crimp in your style, but that’s maybe three times through the whole summer fishing season. Yet the “other guys” would have you believe these waters are something akin to unsafe using hurricanes as their fear motivator. We deal with the Hurricanes, Tropical Storms and changing weather conditions daily. We have radios, Satellite radios and GPS so we’re all connected 27/7 and can plan accordingly. But here’s the real deal, you want a world record Yellowfin Tuna? Well they can be had in the summer. Yes I’ve seen the bogus fish pics of the un-weighed, rail ridden YF Tuna claimed to tape out at 450 lbs. You can’t rely on a camera angle not to distort the actual size of a fish. No Scale, no Bueno amigos… We have a certified scale and

Tres Maria Islands with Capt Oscar at Helm
IGFA (international Gamefish Fishing Assn.)certification to document your world record Tuna! In the summer season you can expect that every time your line hits the water, you have a chance at a world record Yellowfin Tuna. Every time!
During the summer months, what you’re not told is you can expect a dense population of Yellowfin Tuna between 250 to 350 lbs common place. 400 lb plus world record territory Tuna are here at the Marias beginning early June! Now yes you can find larger Yellowfin in the winter months with these “outsiders”. No doubt, but it’s nothing like summer with the density, the increased size and increased variety of other species as well. For the YF Tuna guy, this is the “Promise Land”.
This means that when the “other guys” go home, the Tres Maria Islands are essentially left for the locals. Very few longer range boats exist in the surrounding Puerto Vallarta Marinas unless it’s a private boat. Leaving Master Baiter’s as one of the only charter fishing companies offering the “World Class” summer fishing season at the Tres Marias! You could have these world class fishing grounds to yourself, in the best season, for less money than a cattle car Sardine can fishing boat!
Master Baiter’s is now taking reservations for our 60 ft Luxury Hatteras Sportfisher Yacht. You can contact Stan at Master Baiter’s Sportfishing and Tackle via email: or call our Puerto Vallarta Marina Office at +52 322 209 1128