+52 322 209 1128

Marina Vallarta Las Palmas I Local 3

Blue Water, Big Fish, Banderas Bay Springs Back, Perfect Fishing Conditions!

Written by Stan Gabruk


When it´s great, it´s great and it´s great right now, for the short day or the long way Fisherman. We´ve hit that time of the year when the cookie cutter reports are more than welcome. Who could be disappointed reading there are fish to be had for every taste or fishing desire. It´s just amazing in Puerto Vallarta’s world class fishing grounds right now. Predictable warm, blue water, smooth seas, abundant bait, abundant fish, even the bay is back to its old self. The red tide has filtered out of the bay leaving fresh water for our usual summer species.  Deep water fishing grounds continue to satisfy even the most jaded and a day fishing on the bay is favorably priced. It´s tournament season and you can enjoy the best ¨fishing¨ has to offer here in beautiful Puerto Vallarta.

For the last few weeks in the bay there was a condition called ´Red Tide¨ which is not good for fishing. But the red water conditions have now changed and fishing in the bay is great. Those with a four to six hour fishing desire will find Bonito, Needle Fish, Skip Jack Tuna and smaller Dorado. If you make it out to El Faro, or the light house at the south end of the bay you´ll find Sailfish as thick as your imagination will allow. Bills everywhere poking out of the water as they rest / digest the abundant Bonito in the area. They are so abundant that you may not want to go in this area if you don´t want Sailfish. Yelapa still has some smaller Yellowfin Tuna, but this may improve shortly.

The Marietta Islands are their predictable self with so many Sailfish it´s hard to get your bait to the other species. Dorado to 30 lbs, Sailfish running 90 lbs or larger which is large for a Sailfish. Skip Jack Tuna, Bonito, Snapper, Needle Fish, and the list goes on. El Morro is very strong with Sailfish as well and no reef crowds.

At our deep water locations, Sailfish, Dorado to 40 lbs, Black Marlin to 700 lbs or more, Yellowfin tuna at 165 lbs. Corbeteña to El Banco, you´ll find them. At the Rock and the High Spots at El Banco the fishing is what we expect it to be as we enter the peak of ¨Fishing´s´ High Season for Mainland Mexico. You´ll find Dorado hanging out mostly around the rock or Corbeteña. And at the high spots at El Banco. Cubera Snappers running 55 lbs are also hitting surface baits as well very hard. Google Eyes, Chorras, lures with Blue and Grey colors, tiger print was working well. West of Corbeteña seven to ten miles to the west you´ll still find Yellowfin Tuna from 150 lbs and up. The thirty miles or so between  Corbeteña and El Banco are thick with Black Marlin ranging from 500 to 750 lbs. Overnight Trips can produce Yellowfin Tuna over 250 lbs if you have the time and the money amigos.

To put it all in a nut shell, fishing from Corbeteña to El Banco is incredible. Short days in the bay produce nice sized fishing fun. It´s tournament season for a reason amigos!

Until next time, don´t forget to kiss your fish….

Don´t forget to visit Marina Vallarta with its 150 shops, restaurants and professional services. It´s Puerto Vallarta´s other Malicon or Boardwalk.

You can come be a ¨Fan¨ on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Master-Baiters-Sportfishing-Tackle/88817121325  looking forward to meeting you online.   Facebook Fans get special perks you won´t find in my reports.

Master Baiter´s Sportfishing & Tackle is located in Marina Vallarta on the Boardwalk next to Victors Café Te Cuba at the fare end of Marina Vallarta. Come by and say hello!  Master Baiters is the only real fishing company with a shop and its own exclusive boats that are reliable, fast. My crews speak English and catch fish!  Remember, at Master Baiter´s Sportfishing and Tackle, We Won´t Jerk You Around! If you have any questions on any subject regarding fishing or Puerto Vallarta, feel free to ask at my email: CatchFish@MasterBaiters.com.mx Web page:  www.MasterBaiters.com.mx or call me directly locally at: (044) 322 779 75 71 or if roaming: 011 52 1 322 779 75 71 (this is my cell phone directly until the shop phone is working).

The trade name Master Baiter’s ® Sportfishing and Tackle is protected under trade mark law and is the sole property of Stan Gabruk.